Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Venango County's Diane Gramley in Her Own Words

Submitted by Anon.

Diane Gramley of Venango County, PA, is a self-proclaimed "family values" activist whose operation in Pennsylvania is funded and controlled by an extremist organization in Tupelo, Mississippi called the American Family Association. Gramley's messages are broadcast regularly on local "Christian" radio station WAWN 89.5 FM.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We can debate the religeous aspects of this argument til the cows come home and we'll prove this - I don't believe what you believe and you don't believe what I believe. So what? That's not the point.
This is America. We fight to free other people from oppression. The founding father's did not establish a national religion. We do not all have to look alike, think alike, talk alike, worship alike. Believe and live according to your code but DO NOT impose your code on me based on falsehoods. Heterosexual marriage is in no way threatened by homosexuals. Heterosexuals will still be heterosexuals if gay people marry. And they are not going to run out and take on multiple spouses. Geeeze - most men and women can barely handle one relationship.
One big question - if homosexuals or sinful heterosexuals for that matter, don't get in line for repair, what's supposed to be done with us? If they take America back, will we be deported?
There's much evidence to support the feeling that we are supposed to be forced into submission of some kind.