Monday, June 9, 2008

Michael Dittman Stands Up for Fairness & Equality!

Because I helped to spark this anonymity debate by my complaint, allow me to say that my name is Michael and I feel that visibility, fairness, and equality for gay and lesbian and other marginalized people and groups is in the long-term interest of our region.

Maybe some other readers would like to stand up and be counted as well?


Anonymous said...

Richard Florida on Diversity as an Economic Growth Factor

"Places with high concentrations of gays and bohemians tend to have higher rates of innovation and economic growth...I'm not suggesting that gays and bohemians literally cause regions to grow. Rather, their an indicator of an underlying culture that's open-minded and diverse. The most successful regions welcome all kinds of people. Only 23.5% of Americans now live in the standard nuclear family. Appealing only to traditional families and excluding or denigrating everybody else may be good propaganda for the culture wars, but as a development strategy it's a disaster."

So, how many good, creative people, gay or straight, bohemian or not, can we afford to shut out? As citizens, we can't afford it for the good of our region. And as human beings, we can't afford it for the good of our souls.

Anonymous said...

Since no one will be surprised to find me on this blog, I will join the others who are standing up and standing out. I appreciate you all - Peter, Michael, Joann!
I am thankful for many things today, so this will be positive. When the loud and negative voices weigh too heavily on my mind, there seems to always be divine intervention. It's the unexpected kindness of complete strangers that strikes me the most. Throughout this last year, they have wondered into the Latonia. They are usually 50 or older, curious to see what is developing in the place where they remember coming to shows as youth. They are excited to share their memories and end the visit with a directive. "You girls keep doing what you are doing" and say it's wonderful that the Latonia is coming back to life. They have heard the nay sayers and have taken a moment to tell us they see the project as positive and beneficial to the community. They still believe the "L" stands for Latonia. I am thankful for the reminder that this place has meaning to many and it encourages me to work a little harder to remember them the next time a storm rolls over.

Anonymous said...

Very glad that folks are standing up. Ultimately, truth, justice and real spiritual values will triumph!

Anonymous said...

I'm very happy to have found this blog....

Anonymous said...

oops -- I meant to also stand up with my name!

Nancy Edmondson