Sunday, December 21, 2008

Why Get Worked Up Over Who Someone Loves?

Another in the Voices of Venango County series, by Scott Zelinsky of Oil City:

As I read The Derrick the other morning, I had to laugh. I saw an announcement in the wedding section for a gay couple and knew that the small-minded fury would be churned up again in the editor's section.

I moved to this area several years ago because of the beautiful scenery, kind and caring people, and hospitable nature of the people here. It still surprises me to this day that people can get so worked up over who another person chooses to love.

We are still talking about love after all. Gay or straight, love is still a good thing, right? Two people who have pledged their commitment to each other is hardly a reason to be moved to a "shaking anger" as one reader wrote. The last time I checked, The Derrick was a public forum.

Lastly, do these readers who believe that their letters degrading gays and lesbians should be published, also really believe that letters and articles supporting gays and lesbians should not? Sounds like a double standard to me. Long live free speech!

Excerpted from The Derrick 5/20/04.

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