Sunday, December 7, 2008

'Christian' Groups Need To Check Their Own Yards

Another in the Voices of Venango County series, except this one is by Paul B. Kemble Jr. of Marienville, PA (Forest County):

Over the period of too, too many years, I have heard the spokespersons for, and read the writings of, leaders and members of groups such as the American Family Association, Focus on the Family, etc.

These 'Christians' angelically profess that "God is love" with one breath and spew venom, hatred and intolerance against one specific minority with the next breath.

supposedly these groups are working to protect the 'American family.'

Any human being with one iota of God-given common sense realizes that the five major problems facing the American family today are no-fault divorces, male extra-marital sexual relationships, female extra-marital relationships, prostitution and pornography, and not the minority that they attack incessantly. why don't these groups even mention these problems?

After intensive research, I discovered that there are six verses in the Bible that these groups use as the basis for their attacks.

However, I also discovered during my research that there are way more than 300 admonitions against heterosexual sin and abominations.

Why do these groups ignore these verses?

A neighbor once told me that I should make sure my own backyard was cleaned up before I looked over the fence and complained about my neighbor's yard.

I wish these groups would take my neighbor's advice before they assail others.

Letter-to-the-Editor in The Derrick, 12/3/08

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