Friday, December 12, 2008

Don't Hide Behind Religion

Another in the Voices of Venango County series ... this from John Greenlee of Polk:

Letters to the editor in The Derrick can be very revealing of the character and motives of the authors.

Very often references are made to God and Christian principles as justification for the stated point of view. This has been true lately with regard to letters concerning the war in Iraq and the issue of homosexual relationships.

It is to the authors of these letters that I address the following: Is it not cowardice that prompts you to support irrational positions on how to deal with your fellow man whether they be gay, straight, Iraqi, or Muslim?

I saw cowardice because such opinions are rooted in fears that that which is foreign to you is necessarily out to harm you. Such fears, whether or not they are based on fact, are very real and need to be confronted and resolved. it is in the resolution of these threats where controversy arises.

When the chosen path is to attack a person or a country based on morals rooted in religion, the supernatural is put above provable science. One acts in erroneous belief that one is not worthy of making his own moral choices and that if that happens, God will exact a punishment either in this life or what may come in death.

On the contrary, those with healthy self-esteem, morals based on facts, not imagination, and respect for the rights of others need not fear such retribution. They know that it is in this life that heaven and hell exist, created primarily by us and by nature.

In reality, there is no justifying our behavior by saying it is God's will or law. If we do good, we will reap the benefits. If we attack or offend others, we will pay the price. No Bible was needed to tell us this.

Our actions are a burden and responsibility we should accept humbly and not hide behind religion, claiming all is God's will.

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