Sunday, December 14, 2008

Too Many Treat Bible Like A Smorgasbord

Another in the Voices of Venango County series, by Christopher Myers, Tionesta:

To those who would use the Bible as a tool of condemnation of homosexuality, allow me to offer up a few things for your consideration. in the same books and verses that prohibit same-sex relations, one can also find such things as:

Slavery is allowed as long as slaves come from neighboring nations (look out Canada); rebellious sons must be stoned to death; oxen, lambs or doves must be sacrificed to atone for the "sins" of childbirth, menstruation and other natural bodily functions; adulterers must be stoned to death; women from conquered nations can be taken against their will and forcibly married - after which time, they must shave their heads; wearing wool and linen together is an abomination; it is forbidden to eat any animal that chews its cud; one cannot plant two different kinds of crops in the same field; and the list goes on.

The point is very simple. Too many people treat the Bible like a smorgasbord, taking what they want (or is most convenient to suit their agenda) and leaving the rest.

Therefore, until we start sacrificing our farm animals, executing our teens for breaking a curfew, and marrying off captured Iraqi women, the Bible is now a way to achieve moral high ground without the risk of becoming hypocrites.
I am not pro-homosexual. I am pro-truth.

from The Derrick, 6/7/04


Anonymous said...

I have been a Christian my entire life and had never given in to any of the things stated in your post. I urge you to back up what you are saying with actual Biblical versus... don't just place up there what you will- back it up factually.

I think you have the Bible entirely wrong. If you were to actually study it for understanding you would find a very loving GOD that wants to be a part of your life and show you how much He loves you.

You have a different belief system than I do, which you are entitled to. I urge you though, I would never proliferate hatred about you or what you believe. Don't do the same to me and what I believe.

Anonymous said...

This is a very odd response to comments about how some people use the Bible. This Christian obviously hasn't read the whole Bible.
What sparks the pointing out of Biblical practices that are no longer even studied by Christians, is that one of the biggest arguments of anti-homosexual Christians is that the Bible must be taken literally. "All of it", as Ms. Gramley has stated. However, when it is pointed out that many parts of the Bible are totally ignored, the Christian above believes the writer is being hateful. Very odd. The writer did not say rights should be taken away from Christians. Didn't call Christians anything negative, simply pointed out that many Christians are selective about which Bible versus to take literally and which not to. Meanwhile, the Christian respondent doesn't even know those versus exist.
Well, at least Christians are reading beyond their cloister and may go back to the Bible for understanding.

Anonymous said...

I never said I never read those versus I simply asked for chapter and verse for those arguments. If you are so knowledgable, back up your statements. Most of those you are describing were taken either from parables or Old Testiment teachings, some of which were no longer followed because they were meant to release a person of sin and when Jesus died on the cross he took away our sins through forgiveness.

I'm not a smorgasbord Christian. Have you actually read the entire Bible which you are codemning? Have you studied it? The Bible is clear about many things, including homosexuality. I notice you have not mentioned those passages. I encourage you to read: Romans 1:26 to 27, 1 Corinthians 6:9 and 1 Timothy 1:10.

I also never said the writer of your article was hateful. Never. You are trying to further proliferate hatred, the very message this website condemns.

I simply asked for clarification not a fight. The very message of this website is to end hatred and bigotry yet you are doing the same to Christians and the Bible that many claim are being done to homosexuals. Any good Bible-believing and following Christian would send out a message of love. I'm sorry if you have been misguided.

Anonymous said...

Are you then saying that the old Testament should not be followed literally but the New Testament should be followed literally?

Anonymous said...

Actually, the true issue is this; should you, as a Christian, be able to legislate your beliefs based solely on your interpretation of the Bible?
If so, then does it not also follow that if another religious belief becomes the majority, they then have the right to legislate their beliefs based solely on their "Bible".?

Anonymous said...

The Old Testiment and New Testiment need to be followed in one accord, not singly.

I think everyone has a right to petition their own beliefs in legislation and that everyone will differ. You can take a simple issue and you will garner much disagreement among differing sides. As a person with my belief system, I choose to believe the way I do. It is my right and my belief. Unfortunately, on my side I see my rights taken away little by little as others do on their side of a disagreement. I interpret the Bible in one way, other interpret it a different way.

If you are a Bible believer, no matter which way you choose to interpret scripture, you also believe there is a judgment day. In that day, no matter what your interpretation was, you will be judged by GOD. I believe I have chosen the correct interpretation. Others may believe differently.