Monday, December 22, 2008

Some Christians Fail To Understand Message

Another in the Voices of Venango County series, this by Christopher Thomas Cummins of Franklin:

It amazes me how many "Christians" in our society want to micromanage sinful behavior, often through the government. In doing so, they fail to understand what Christ's message is about.

From the beginning of time, people were meant to look at each other as sisters and brothers, as family, regardless of race, gender, sexual orientation, political or national affiliation. it means we are supposed to look out for, assist and provide for one another, not to condemn, but to be compassionate to our sisters and brothers.

Each of us has many opportunities to make others' lives better by giving of our time, money or any other resource we have to offer. In doing so, God will bless us and forgive us when we screw up.

As God's children, it is up to us to help and uplift our sisters and brothers, to assist them in becoming stronger spiritually, emotionally, financially and socially. We have a justice system to deal with lawbreakers and God to punish sinners; it is not His children's business to persecute others, but to show compassion, as they would want mercy from God.

We should not be viewing people strictly by their sexuality, religiou, political background, nationality, race or gender, but as family whom we have an obligation to help. The godless government only looks out for the poor because it has to, as nobode else is willing to do the job. In a truly Christian nation, those who have would give generously to those without, no strings attached.

Please remember the way in which you view and deal with others will eventually be used to judge you. If you live strictly by the law, you will be judged by it. If you live by the law, tempered with love, compassion and mercy, you will be saved by it. You can follow Mammon or God, not both.

Excerpted from The Derrick 2/28/08.

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