Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Will Venango County Take A Stand Against Prejudice and Hate?

Join Web Site's Stand Against Prejudice

from KTVU:

SAN FRANCISCO -- Mayor Gavin Newsom declared April 6th "Not In Our Town" Day, a day dedicated to standing up against hate violence, prejudice and bias.

The proclamation comes on the heels of a new Web site being launched to spread the message of tolerance beyond San Francisco.

The new Not In Our Town site was created by an Oakland nonprofit. The site shows a video recounting the homicide of a young Ecuadorian immigrant in New York who was killed by a group of teenage boys looking for Latinos to assault.

"It was the worst thing in the world. I can't believe something like that would happen," 15-year-old Albie Brown of Mill Valley said about the story of the Ecuadorian immigrant.

Patrice O'Neill, the project's executive producer, said the site provides a new way for the concerned youth to connect online.

"We try to bring out positive stories of people taking action to prevent hate," explained O'Neill.

The Web site also provides tools to deal with school bullies.

"If you're being bullied we have a lot of stories about bullying and how its an epidemic," said Not In Our Town worker Michelle Sit. "It's just for people to know they are not alone."

San Francisco Hate Crime Prosecutor Victor Hwang said there has been a 400% jump in hate crimes in the past six months. He called the Web site a great tool to fight back.

"I think in San Francisco we tend to be complacent -- thinking we are in paradise. But I do think we need to be involved and stand up for each other," Hwang said.

Check out the video HERE

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