Thursday, August 14, 2008

Why are You here?

More than 30 years ago, I left Venango County determined never to return. So how did I wind up back here? Halfway across the globe and back to Venango County like a slow boomerang. How does that happen? How has Venango County changed? How have I changed? Why am I here?
Who really knows the answer to such questions? We're drawn to the familiar. We seek connection with our roots and find ourselves back home. Jobs, family...
Venango County has changed as much as I have changed.
If you never left, what have you seen happen here? If you left, why did you return?

It's your turn. You tell your story and I'll tell mine.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You need another category -- for the people who have arrived here by choice! I moved here in 1996 to a beautiful, close-knit community that was demoralized and depressed in every sense of the word. Now I see engaged citizens and a sense of purpose and optimism. Sure, there are still people who think that if somebody else achieves something, it automatically means a loss to them personally. But more and more, people here are abandoning that old paradigm -- there is an exhilarating sense that we as a community are building something new together. Thanks to the Latonia for being one of the anchors of this change!
