Monday, July 28, 2008

What do GLBT folks want?

Peter Green asks an excellent question, "What do glbt folks in Venango County want?" As an answer, allow me to paraphrase from the recent HBO movie, "Steel Jawed Women."
Look into your heart, Mr Green, and see what you want: A place in the professions without fear of being fired because you are gay; an apartment without fear of being evicted because you are gay; a home without being subjected to vandalism by your neighbors because you are gay, access to the 1,000 plus federal rights, benefits, and privileges available to straight couples but denied because you are a gay couple, the right to visit a hospitalized partner unabridged because you are gay, a meal in a restaurant or a seat on public transportation without fear of being embarrassed by being told to leave because you are gay; an education without taunting, bullying, or physical attacks because you are gay; a quiet and peaceful life without being reviled, castigated, and denounced on the public air ways, in public meetings, or in the local newspaper as a threat to society because you are gay.
In short, Mr Green, the glbt community wants the same things you, and every other American wants: Equality, Fairness, Respect, and the right to live your life and pursue your career and your dreams as you choose free from discrimination and bigotry.
As one who has been actively involved in the Civil Rights Movement, the Women's Movement, and the Gay Equality Movement for well over 40 years, I know that change is slow and often difficult but I also know that change is inevitable and characteristic of vitality and life itself and that communities, schools, churches, and community leaders who embrace and practice equality and fairness thrive while those who persist in patterns of discrimination and hate shrivel and become moribund.
David L Martin


Dittman said...

All valid desires, and prettily said, but I think the question should be understood as what do we (GLBT and straight)want to do here in Venango County, and more importantly, what are the action steps needed to put a few in the Win column so that an alliance can build upon success and spend less time in circular discussion.

Anonymous said...

I've been thinking along these lines as well and believe the first step is to identify and promote those places offering safe space for GLBT people. I can think of a handful who may be willing to be identified and would keep information and resources available of interest to GLBT people such as ACLU, PFLAG and the Pennsylvania Human rights Commission publications. We have to recognize that the anti-gay proponents who are watching this blog will likely raise a ruckus about it. I think in creating the "safe space" we need to be very positive and discuss the purpose with community leaders and police prior to doing this. It needs to be space where people can find information and help if and when they need it, and find positive connections within a friendly part of our community. I would like to create it in a way that acts as if the anti-gay people don't even exist. Be pro-active people instead of reactive people. I'm ready to BUILD what I want instead of fighting against what they want.

Dittman said...

I love it Linda!