Saturday, September 26, 2009

Santorum Runs

from Savage Love by Dan Savage:

I just had to share with you my first reaction to reading this headline: "Santorum dips toes in 2012 Iowa waters." My first thought was "Ewwww," followed quickly by "Is that even possible?" After all, santorum is something that is dipped into, not something that can dip. And then I remembered that before "santorum" meant santorum it actually designated a person, a senator. But it took me a few seconds.

Congratulations on a job well done. I expect I am not the only one who had this moment of cognitive dissonance upon reading this headline.

Signed, A Faithful Reader

Ben Smith at Politico reported last Tuesday that Republican former U.S. senator Rick Santorum plans to run for president. Political Wire linked to Smith's post and added that "Santorum has a serious Google problem." Truthdig linked to Political Wire's post and spelled out Santorum's Google problem: "The former senator's rampant homophobia inspired sex columnist Dan Savage to launch a campaign to usurp the conservative's name. The result: If you type 'Santorum' into Google, you'll find that it refers not to a former senator, but 'that frothy mixture of lube and fecal matter that is sometimes the byproduct of anal sex.'"

From uppercase Santorum to lowercase santorum—in just three links.

And who deserves the credit? Not me. The credit is yours, dear readers. It's thanks to you that—a blog that I haven't updated since July of 2004—remains the number-one hit on Google when you search "Santorum." It was a Savage Love reader who first suggested that we usurp Rick Santorum's name, another Savage Love reader who suggested the "frothy mixture" definition, and Savage Love readers who chose the winning definition in a free and fair election. Well done, gang.

We can't take credit for Santorum losing his seat in the U.S. Senate to Bob Casey by 18 points. That was Rick's doing. But we helped to make him ridiculous—there were so many headlines during his failed reelection campaign with "froth" or "frothy" in them. And for a politician, being an object of ridicule is a problem, which is why and the "frothy mixture" definition of santorum are going to be a problem for Santorum.

"Maybe it's time to start updating Spreading again," writes Savage Love reader P.B., "now that Rick is running for president."

I couldn't agree more, P.B., but I'm a busy guy. Back when I was writing for Spreading, I had only the column on my plate. Now I blog every day on Slog, I do a podcast, I've got a bad case of talking headism, and I'm working on another book. I don't have the time to give the attention it needs.

But maybe some Savage Love readers do?

If is going to remain Google's top hit when you search "santorum"—and it should—then the site needs to come back to life. So I'm looking for a few folks who want to torment Rick Santorum by following every twist and turn of his sure-to-be-disastrous run for the White House on (I may dip in every once in a while and post myself.) It would be labor of love—read: a nonpaying gig—but you'll have the satisfaction of knowing that you're driving Rick Santorum and his supporters absolutely batshit (batshittier?).

If you think you're the right person for this gig—if you think you're right for Spreading—write me at mail@savagelove .net.

1 comment:

Jim Ru said...

Does Western Pennsylvania also have a problem with brain drain and blight?

The two go together.

Western PA has a reputation alright.

People think it's filled with right wing militias and fag bashing christians.

And, so, when bright, kind hearted people with imagination and money look for a place to live, where do they choose?

If you answered Western PA, just drive around the region and look the abandoned houses and the derelict buildings.

One goes with the other.

So, if you are a pro-business Republican, and the people in your party spread the news of bigotry and hate, remember that when you have to put your business up for bankrupcy.

Brain drain. Religions spreading hatred and intolerance.

It's the bottom line.