Friday, August 14, 2009

Kiss-In for Marriage Equality in Erie - Saturday August 15

from the Erie Times-News:

It promises to be the epitome of nonviolent protests.

A kiss-in, one of many throughout the country, is planned Saturday, August 15, on the steps of the Erie County Courthouse, 140 W. Sixth St.

At exactly 2 p.m., people from Erie to Albuquerque, N.M., plan to put their lips together to protest recent cases in which gay couples in Salt Lake City, San Antonio and El Paso, Texas, were harassed by officials or arrested after kissing in public.

Though the event is in support of gay couples, a local supporter of the Great Nationwide Kiss-In said he hopes people of all orientations will kiss to support equal rights.

"The folks here are fairly tolerant," said Mike Mahler, of the Erie Gay News. "This event emphasizes that small shows of affection are really nothing."

Mary Zuck, who is organizing the local protest, said she doesn't know how large a crowd it will draw.

Handbills were distributed at the Erie Art Museum Blues and Jazz Festival, and information has been sent to local media. Zuck said she hopes the proximity to Perry Square will attract people attending CelebrateErie.

"It should be a fun hour or so," she said.

David Badash, a blogger for the same-sex marriage advocacy Web site, initiated the protest in a July 13 post. The idea has since spread to cities throughout the U.S. and Canada through social networking outlets such as Facebook.

Erie and Philadelphia are the only Pennsylvania cities in which protests have been announced.


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